DRIP Network – Compound calculator

This calculator will help you visualize how things evolve if you were to compound your 1% interest every day.

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I send airdrops every week at random. Everyone is guaranteed to receive airdrops as the list is reset every time I reach the end of it.


Initial deposit is the deposit you’re starting with.
Number of children is the number of people below you (who set you as your buddy).
Children initial deposit is the starting deposit of each of your children (it’s the same for each child, simpler)

Show Table button

Shows a table with all the values for the number of days you specified.

Time is the current day.
Deposit is the value of your deposit that day (the number of times your initial deposit, it helps you see when you double it for example).
Earned Interest is the actual interest earned and that was recompounded into your deposit.
Claimed is the value of what you already claimed. All compounded interest is added to that value.
Max Payout is the maximum number of DRIPs you can claim.
Days To Claim Claimable is the number of days you have to wait to claim the Total Claimable.
Total Claimable is the total amount of DRIPs you can claim based on your Max Payout and your Claimed as well as the taxes that are applied along the road.


If you start with an initial deposit of 5 and no children, at day 5 (if you recompound every day) your deposit will have grown to 5.242. That’s 1.04 times your initial deposit.

Your Max Payout will be 19.13.

Based on that, we can calculate the Total Claimable, that is, the final amount of DRIPs you will actually be able to claim: 15.26. This number takes into account the various taxes that are applied for each transactions inside the DRIP Network.

To claim that final amount, and because you only earn 1% of your deposit each day, you will need to wait for 363 days to get it all (Days To Claim Claimable)

If you need a more complete explanation of how the DRIP Network works, check this post.

That is, if you decide to start claiming your interest from day 5. Have a look below, see how much you could earn if you were to recompound every day for 300 days… it’s +36 times your initial deposit.

That’s the power of exponential growth.

Show Chart button

And to visualize that exponential growth better, have a look at the chart.

The X axis gives you the current day and the Y axis gives you the total amount of DRIPs you can claim if you were to start claiming from that day.

This calculator will help you visualize how things evolve if you were to compound your 1% interest every day. If you find this Tool useful, please use my Buddy address: 0x080b6E1471600d3E8e31907729697301d4C4a72aOr use this link: https://drip.community/faucet?buddy=0x080b6E1471600d3E8e31907729697301d4C4a72a I send airdrops every week at random. Everyone is guaranteed to receive airdrops as the list is reset every time…

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